Sunday, February 15, 2009

Adopting A Pet

There are three main ways to adopt a pet for your family. The location of the pet really depends on what type of breed you are looking for. In this article we will discuss mostly dogs and cats, how to adopt them, and where to adopt them.

The three main ways to adopt a pet include a breeder, private owner, or retail location. The retail location can be a pet store or humane society. First let's discuss a breeder. If you are going to adopt a dog or cat of a specific mix, you are going to want to find a breeder that offers that particular combination. Most often you can find a breeder through an online internet source that gives you a description of the breed. You will want to check out a few breeders to compare the cost of that pet, as well as the facilities. You should never exchange money until you have seen the dog or can be guaranteed the breeder has the animal's best interests at heart. Most often, adopting through a breeder is going to be expensive, and they do not pay for vet costs once you have adopted the pet. In other words, if you have exchanged the money but haven't picked up the dog, any vet visits will be for you to take care of, even neutering or spaying will be out of your pocket.

With a humane society, you will find any pet is going to be neutered or spayed before the animal will be released. This type of location offers rescued animals, pre-owned, and occasionally new pets. The retail stores will be the same depending on what city you are located in. Although some retail stores will just have specific breeds directly from the breeders. In these places you cannot adopt a dog or cat until it has all of the proper shots and has been neutered or spayed. They will also be looking into your background.

In fact, both the breeders and retail shops are going to want your history. They will ask why you are adopting a pet, perhaps even stop by your home or ask where it is located, as well as call some references. Most places will not allow a pet to be adopted until they are satisfied that it is going to a good, "forever home".

With private owners you will experience something a little different. Private owners are not breeders, but someone who can no longer take care of their pet or has had a litter of kittens or dogs. It is very easy to adopt from most private owners as they have the pets up for free or a small fee. You will be responsible for the neutering or spaying. Also, the fee is usually less than the humane societies and breeders. The conditions may be less than stellar for some homes. It will depend on where you have found your pet. You always want to make sure the cat or dog is healthy and has had at least one visit to the vet before private adoption. by Help Your Pets

Are We Like Animals?

While we can't compare ourselves with animals we can begin to understand eating habits and the reason why humans become over weight.

Consider how many animals you will see that are over weight. In the wild you wouldn't find any and it is not because of a lack of food - although that certainly will cause a wild animal to be under weight.

No; even where there is abundance of food animals in the wild don't get obese like humans do and it is not because of their metabolism or digestive systems.

It is because they are eating the correct foods that nature designed their systems to eat to ensure that they are getting the correct nutrition to maintain good health, and obesity certainly isn't a good healthy state to be in.

I doubt you will find any animals that are obese other than those that we keep as pets and that is because humans not only eat the wrong foods themselves but they also feed their pets the wrong foods.

We feed our pet's processed pet food that has all sorts of colors, additives and other rubbish that they were never designed to have. And the result of feeding them a poor diet is the high and ever increasing incidence of diabetes in domestic animals.

We are not only making ourselves sick with poor food choices but we are also reducing the chances our pets have of living long and healthy lives. Just like the food we buy for ourselves, the food we buy for our pets is often determined by the quality of the marketing campaigns that promote those foods.

So the only living beings that seem to make the wrong choices in food consumption are humans and we are supposed to be the most intelligent! And the only other living beings that are affected by poor food consumption are pets because they have to rely on the poor decisions that are made by humans. by Jacob

Pet Insurance Reviews - Is Cheap Pet Insurance the Best?

Health insurance is something almost everyone has, or strives to have. In addition, many people also get pet health insurance as well. Animals are a very important part of most families just like the rest of the family members and sometimes even more. Most people don't realize that there are now many options out there for pet health insurance and most are much more reasonable and affordable than what we have available for ourselves.

Most pet health insurance policies cover all basic needed services such as spaying and neutering, de-worming, shots, and basic tests such as leukemia testing. Most of these pet health insurance policies offer different tiers to choose from depending on the age and specific needs of the pet. Rather than having to pay outright and break your pocket book for needed vet visits these policies enable you to make low monthly payments, and not owe anything at the time of the visit.

When checking out pet insurance reviews, going for the cheap pet insurance may or may not be the best idea depending on your pets needs. The cheapest pet insurance usually only covers the basic needs of the pet for example; vaccinations, de-worming, etc. When going through a pet insurance review make sure you get the level of coverage that is most accomodating to your needs as well.

Below is a list of the different kinds of coverage pet health insurance usually offers to aid in finding and selecting the best pet health insurance plan for your animals needs. Unfortunately pets just like people get health issues, and it's just heart breaking when this happens and you're not prepared or able to get your pet the help they need. Similar to our health insurance depending on the type of visit there may be added expenses that may need to be paid, but those can normally be taken care of at a later date in easier to pay monthly installments along with your pet insurance costs. This makes properly caring for your animals a lot more feasible.

When Does an Individual Not Need Pet Insurance?

This is a tricky question. For some, the cost of caring for a pet may be unjustified if the finances are above the individuals needs. In addition, some may feel that smaller pets, ie; rats, mice, frogs, etc. may not be the best canditates for pet insurance and the pet insurance cost may not be justified. This is also determined on an owner-by-owner basis and is strictly up to the pet owners discretion.

Another time when pet insurance is not needed is when a pet owner is completely capable of paying the vet bills without strain at any given moment. Many people have very healthy pets and only want to pay when the pet is sick or in need of treatment. This is completely o.k. for plenty of individuals. In general, pet insurance is for those who don't want to pay a lump sum, but find it more affordable to pay ahead of time and be covered when the time is right.

Unfortunately there are many individuals that don't take their pets to the vet at all. This can lead to undiagnosed illnesses, and a lower quality of health. For example, it's very important to take your cats in for leukemia testing as it has become a common fatality among the feline society. Most kittens also require de-worming and de-fleeing which is very important to their health and development. We are offering here resources to some of the cheapest pet health insurance so that everyone can find a plan that can work for them and their pet. The benefits for having pet insurance are abundant though unfortunately it may not be financially feasable for everyone at least it is to most. Below is an example of what a tiered plan may offer;

-Leukemia testing and shots -de-worming -de-fleeing -spaying and neutering -rabies vaccination -heartworm testing -fecal exam -coronavirus vaccinations -canine and feline distemper vaccinations -Treatment and medication for illness -Treatment and medication for injury -Annual physical exam *A plan like this would normally run you anywhere from $25 to $35 a month per pet.

This is an example of a well rounded option for a plan that includes wellness as well as continuing care and accidents which could be most important as they account for the larger bills and can never be planned for. There are also plans lower than the above. one such as this that is just strictly accidental coverage, which may be a good option for some as well that are not so much concerned with the costs of routine visits but are with the possibility of accidents. There are also of course plans higher than this as well that offer additional services to the plan, but for most this would be sufficient.

Find the best and Cheapest Pet Insurance Reviews and to find the perfect pet insurance for your needs - Visit to get the right plan at the right price! by Gabriel Killian