Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Is A Family That Is Prepared

This old world of ours is full of uncertainties these days is it not? Yes, I am sure that you agree! Disasters abound all over the world. Some of them are natures way of easing stress and some of them are man made. No matter what, an emergency is an emergency and that is a fact. Emergencies and disasters can strike at anytime and these events do not give much warning. Emergencies can cause you and your family to have to hunker down in the home and let the emergency "blow over" Or the event can cause you and your family to have to evacuate your home and quite possibly your neighborhood. This is not a pleasant thought is it? Do you know how you would react if life's most basic of services such as electricity, water, gas and phones were all out of service and non-functional? How would you react if you were "cut off" off from the "rest of the world?" In the event of an emergency/disaster the fact of the matter is that emergency relief will get to you!............eventually! You need to understand that they cannot get to everyone at once. You can deal with and be prepared for any emergency or disaster by preparing in advance of these situations by obtaining the necessary supplies and equipment and creating an emergency action plan that you and your family can stick to. being prepared for a crisis and having an emergency preparedness plan will help keep you protected and is a matter personal responsibility for you and your families safety!

One of the first things one should do is to contact entities such as the American Red Cross and any other offices that deal with emergencies and disasters in your area to get educated as to the type of natural and/or man made disasters that can possibly occur in your area of the country. Ask for any and all printed material that you can obtain to educate yourself. Educate yourself as to what if any warning systems are in place in your town and what is it that you need to do when those warning signal go off? What are you supposed to do with your family pets if you have any? Where are they supposed to go if anywhere? There is a distinct possibility that animals may not be allowed in emergency shelters for the health concerns of others! What if there are elderly in your household? How are you going to care for and transport them if an emergency occurs? Do you have ample medicines and supplies for them? Again call the school district in your area to find out what emergency preparedness plan of action they have. Find out if your workplace has an Emergency Action Plan in place. All of these things will help to make you more prepared and capable of timely reaction in the event of a crisis. by Richard Blaine

How to Raise Kittens without a Momma

Pets, what a joy and love they bring to our lives. I want to tell you a true story avout how my wife hand raised four abandoned kittens.

These kittens were found in the window well of our home, mama cat was not to be found, nor did she return. Being the animal lover that my wife is, she could not just leave them there to die or be killed by a predator.

These kittens were 4 to 6 weeks old, we were able to determine this by the fact that they were just opening there eyes. God only knows how long they had gone without food. When she discovered them they were cold and hungry. We had an old horse tank we moved into the garage, lined it with nespaper and old towels for warmth and bedding, thus there new home.

Now what do we do? The first step she took was to call our veterinarian to get some guidance. So the process began. She was to feed them milk replacement (which you can get where ever they sell pet supplies) with an eye dropper, the veterinarian recommended an eye dropper full every 2 hrs to start then gradually increase the amount and lengthen the feeding as they grew stronger. This was done by her until they learned to eat from a bowl. This process takes a lot of dedication, devotion and love for animals to do.

Since their ages were 4 to 6 weeks old when she started this process it took some time to do. The kittens started to eat a little at about 10 weeks. Even after after the kittens started eating from there bowl it was still a lot of work.

Do not forget the litter box, my wife used a beer box flat to make a litter box, the sides were short enough that they could climb over them. Litter box was no problem, they took to using it right away.

Eventually as they got bigger and needed more space we moved them to the basement of our home. So now in our home there was 4 cats and a dog. The dog was not happy about giving up his space, but eventually he did except them.

Knowing that we could not keep 4 kittens and a dog, we put an adoption flyer up at our local pet store. Two of them were adopted by the same family and we kept 2 our selves.

Our veterinarian told my wife that usually baby kittens that are hand feed do not survive. They all survived and are very loving and ornery. Yes and they think of my wife (Elaine) as their mama.

So if you have a chance to rescue an animal, please do so. They will enhance your life and bring you great satifaction and rewards. by James Horn

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Common Natural Supplements and Vitamins for Pets

People have been using vitamins and natural supplements for years to help maintain a health body. Natural supplements and vitamins can also help treat a variety of conditions. Your pets can benefit from vitamins and supplements as well.

One thing to keep in mind is that our metabolism and animals are different. There are some supplements that are fine for a human but can cause damage to a cat or dog. Always consult your vet before giving vitamins or supplements to your dog or cat.

Remember, vitamins and supplements for your pets shouldn't be used to replace seeing a vet. Your cats and dogs should have regular checkups and be taken to a vet if they appear to be ill. You should make sure you always inform your vet of any type of vitamins or supplements you are giving your pet.

This is especially true if you cat or dog is being treated for a condition which requires medication. This is because some medications will act adversely when taken with other types of medication or supplements. Always consult your veterinarian and ask for their recommendations before starting your pets on vitamins or herbal supplements.

Listed below are some of the common vitamins and supplements that are being given to pets to promote health and treat ailments.

Glucosamine and Chondroitan- These are well known and are commonly prescribed by veterinarians to treat pets who are suffering from arthritis and joint pain. They are known to help rebuild cartilage and thicken joint fluid which cushions and protects the joints.

Milk Thistle- This has been used for pets with liver problems such as hepatitis. It is suppose to protect liver cells from toxins.

Ginger- This has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries as an anti-inflammatory and also for stomach problems. It has been known to help animals with car sickness and with digestive problems, including diarrhea and gas.

Vitamin C- This vitamin is a powerful anti-oxidant which is said to help combat the aging process and cancer. It has also can be used for hip dysphasia, arthritis and urinary tract problems.

Echinacea- This supplement is said to improve the immune system and helps to fight off infections and diseases.

Slippery Elm- The bark of this tree is used to help the digestive system in pets who suffer from upset stomachs and constipation. It has also been known to be used as a cough suppressant.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids- The oils from cold water fish have been known to be beneficial to pets. They have been used to aid in treatment of heart disease, cancer, allergies, arthritis and kidney disease.

Choline- This supplement can be helpful to pets that have cognitive disorders and seizures.

There are certain vitamins that seem to help different parts of your pet's body. For example Vitamin A is used for healthy skin and coat. Vitamin E helps to ease the discomfort of arthritis and cancer. Vitamin D is essential for bone development, and nerve and muscle functions. Vitamin B helps with growth and metabolism.

Make sure you read the directions thoroughly and always give the recommended dosage to your pet. You might want to consult with your vet on the dosage for your particular pet. Remember, even though a vitamin or supplement is considered natural that doesn't necessarily mean it is safe. Always closely monitor your pet after you have given them any new type of vitamin or supplement to watch for signs of an allergic reaction. The items listed above are just a few of the different varieties of supplements available for use on pets. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on which type of product will work best for your four-legged companion.

To make sure your pets stays healthy and will enjoy a long life, you might want to consider getting pet insurance incase their will be unforeseen medical expenses in the years to come. You have health insurance on the rest of your family and for peace of mind you might want to get pet insurance on your four-legged companions. by Raphael Cooper

From small animals to huge ones, weigh them all on Veterinary Scales

Keeping a tab on the weight of your pet is as important as keeping a tab on yours. A whole range of digital veterinary scales is available in the market today just for this purpose. Veterinary platform scales have a higher capacity of more than 550 pounds (250 kilograms) and are usually meant for veterinary clinics and hospitals. But general purpose electronic weighing scales are also available. With these you can check the weight of your pets at your home. Digital veterinary scales are known for their accuracy and will help you know their exact weight in no time at all. These are generally floor scales with low profile platforms, so that animals and livestock can easily step on them.

Electronic weighing scales are powered by batteries and most of them come with the auto-off feature to help conserve battery power. With Seca 606 Electronic veterinary scales, you can weigh up to 16,000 times without having to worry about replacing your battery. If you don't want to be bothered with batteries and battery replacements at all, you can go for an adapter for powering these scales. It might be hard to make animals stand still on the scales for weighing. But even if they step down before you could note the reading it's not a problem. The auto-hold function will continue to display the animal's weight even after it has left the scale. You can also store the weight and compare between the current and previous readings.

The large LCD displays of digital veterinary scales help in easy viewing. Some models have long cables so that you can place the indicator at a convenient location away from the scale base. Considering that veterinary platform scales will be put to frequent and rough usage, they are designed to last long even in damp conditions. With so many weighing sessions, the platform is bound to get soiled. But the rubber mat, meant for providing stability, can be easily removed for cleaning.

I personally would recommend the HealthOMeter 2842KL model to anyone who is on the lookout for electronic weighing scales. They use advanced microprocessor technology for high precision weighing purposes and can be used not just for animals but for humans too. You can choose to read the weight in pounds or in kilograms. by alina

Cats Can Impact How We Treat Each Other

Are you a cat owner? Was there something about your cat when you picked her out that drew you to her? I own a cat named Pepper that I picked out of a litter when she wasn't even a full day old. I know, what can you tell about a little kitten who doesn't even have her eyes open. I'm not really sure, but whatever it was that made me pick Pepper, it worked correctly.

There are several studies that have been done to test if there's a relationship between cats and their owners' interactions with other humans. Specifically, does owning a cat ellicit compassion towards animals and then translate into being more compassionate toward fellow humans. An Australian study conducted at Central Queensland University proved such a link does exist.

Another study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania looked at whether having a pet as a child would make one more compassionate towards both animals and humans as adults. The study concluded that children who had strong relationships with their cats or dogs as a child had more humane attitudes toward animals and humans as adults. It also showed children who had pets growing up and had strong relationships with them, developed more positive relationships with people in adulthood.

Why is it that cats, in particular, that brings out our compassion? I know as a cat owner, that I understand what Pepper is trying to say by the tone of her voice, her facial expressions and her posture. It's like having an infant that can't speak, but as you get to know her, you start to understand her moods and needs. Developing this sense of your pet's needs and moods could very well allow you to better "read" others as adults.

There's something about cats and puppies that makes us want to nurture them. They're soft, small, cuddly and provide love. They bring forth compassion in us naturally. Studies have proven this is true more for women, maybe because of the innate maternal instinct inside. Although men who had strong relationships with their dogs or cats as children were more empathetic in future relationships than those who didn't have pets. Whatever it is, the compassion shown towards animals does translate into showing more empathy toward our fellow human beings, which can only be a good thing in my book.

Most of the studies were directed towards cats because they don't grow to a size that they can't still be picked up and held. So, if you're one of those who doesn't believe cats bring anything beneficial to the table, think again. They may just be helping us to treat each other a little better. by Debbie Foster

Reiki for Family, Friends and Pets.

Traditional remedies or 'Old Wives Tales' are found to be effective in many ways. Enthusiasm for herbal preparations led to a brisk trade in vitamins and minerals sold in 'Health Shops'

Media interest encouraged this trend, helping to create the next development - an interest in 'Remedial Therapies' rather than just traditional medicines - 'Pills For Everything'!

These practices differ from western Medical Treatments in two very specific ways.

1. Practitioners have a holistic approach - they treat the whole person not just one symptom. 2.These therapies are natural healing arts that may have evolved over thousands of years and do not include the use of drugs.

Typical of these methods is 'The Ancient Healing Art of Reiki' which originated centuries ago in Tibet and India. Reiki awakens you body and spirit to a more relaxed lifestyle. You can introduce it to family and friends, and use it for your pets.

There is no need for you to believe in Reiki - or, for that matter, in any other holistic healing system: It will still work! Reiki is not a religion, though many people have discovered that the 'Five Precepts of Dr Mikao Usui' can have a profound effect on their lives.

1. Just for today, do not worry. 2. Just for today, do not anger. 3. Honour your parents, teachers and elders. 4. Earn your living honestly. 5. Show gratitude to every living thing.

The point that the Reiki principles make is the life force relies on the views and judgments that we practice and make known, In other words, if we think in a positive manner and try to feel only good feelings, such as caring or closeness, and dedicate out life to discipline and perseverance (as best we can:-) the life energy is profuse.

We are strong, because our spirit is powerful. Never-the-less, if we only have negative thoughts about ourselves and about people around us, the life energy weakens. The outcome is poor health of the mind body and spirit.

Reiki is used hand-in hand with orthodox medicine more and more all over the world. It has been useful with therapies such radiotherapy chemotherapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, vitamin and nutritional therapy, and general medical drug therapy.

Reiki helps friends, family, pets. (Animals love Reiki) It helps everyone including our pets to relax their stress levels, detoxify their systems ans heal their injuries or illnesses more rapidly.

The side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be greatly eased, including nausea, anxiety, exhaustion and the tension in scar tissue Recovery from surgery can be quite surprising, for us and for our pets especially when the treatments begin some weeks previous to the surgery.

Then you carry on the Reiki after medical treatment and it all comes together to help and improve after-affects and recovery time. You can also arrange some distance healing, which will also add to the recovery time.

The health benefits mean you can cope better with all worries to do with, work, relationships and money. Reiki experience varies from person to person, but it never ceases to amaze. A simple thing - Laying on of Hands' Reiki can produce such a profound effect that not only heals the physical wounds but changes peoples lives. by Margaret Ann Jones

The Pet Safe Kitchen

Do you know what dangers lie under your kitchen sink? Many of us are unaware that we have a virtual toxic waste dump in our kitchen. So many of the soaps, detergents and cleaners that we use on a day-to-day basis present a serious danger to our dogs, cats and other furry friends (not to mention yourself).

Common Kitchen Dangers

• Chlorine Bleach is the chemical most frequently involved in household poisonings in the U.S.;
• De-greasers may contain petroleum distillates, which can damage lung tissues and dissolve fatty tissue around nerve cells;
• Glass Cleaners may contain ammonia. Ammonia fumes can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory system;
• Oven Cleaners can be one of the most dangerous cleaning products, which can cause severe damage to eyes, skin, mouth, and throat;
• Toilet Bowl Cleaners can be extremely dangerous cleaning products, which can be harmful just by breathing the fumes - and fatal if swallowed.

Eighty-one Thousand (81,000) chemicals have been registered with the EPA in the last 30 years, and fewer than 20% have been tested for toxicity! EPA studies indicate that elevated concentration of household chemicals persist in the air. Long-term exposure to chemicals inside our homes may be harmful to our families and our pets.

Has your dog ever tried to lick the dishes after you've rinsed them with liquid soap and water? Does your cat peak into the washing machine while your loading it or curl up on the wash fresh out of the dryer? Several years ago we had a cat that loved to jump into the tub right after we cleaned it and he would try to drink the water left in the tub (we would always shoo him out before he got the chance). The behavior of our furry friends, while often cute and endearing, can very often be dangerous to their well being. Many common household cleaning products contain chemicals which are dangerous to you, your family and your pet. Some things you can easily watch out for:

1. To protect your pet you should avoid sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye. Found in dish-washing liquids, laundry products, oven cleaner, scouring products, and tub & tile cleaners, sodium hydroxide is immediately irritating to the respiratory tract if inhaled. Contact can cause severe damage to the eyes, skin, mouth, and throat. It can cause liver and kidney damage as well.

2. Have you ever sprayed air freshener around the litter box or caught your pet drinking from the toilet bowl? Both can be dangerous to your pet. Hydrochloric acid is often found in odor eliminators and toilet bowl cleaners. Hydrochloric acid can cause severe damage to skin. It can be harmful to health, just by breathing the fumes. If swallowed hydrochloric acid can be fatal.

3. Many all-purpose cleaners, cleaning wipes, de-greasers, floor polish, rug shampoos, toilet bowl cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, and window cleaners contain butyl cellosolve. It can cause irritation and tissue damage from inhalation. Butyl cellosolve is so hazardous a person who spends just 15 minutes cleaning scale off shower walls could inhale three times the acute exposure limit. Imagine what harm it can do to your beloved pet.

According to The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care by C. J. Puotinen, accidental exposure to toxic chemicals is the leading cause of death for America's dogs, cats and other pets (pg 323).

The Pet Poison Helpline (800-213-6680) recommends you keep pets away from cleaning products. Shut them out of the room while spraying bathroom cleansers, etc. They also suggest you close toilet lids to keep pets from drinking the water. This is very important if you choose to use automatic chemical tank or bowl treatments.

To protect your pet you may wish to start using "Green" products. Sloan Barnett, in her book Green Goes With Everything, suggests that "A green product is one that won't harm you, your children, your pets, or the environment inside the house or outside where your waste goes. And it won't hang around like an unwanted guest after you use it - on floors, carpets, counters, clothes, and so forth."

One of the most effective and well known "Green" product lines is Shaklee's Get Clean. It has been featured on the Oprah Show and on Rachel Rae. Get Clean products are nontoxic, natural and never tested on animals. According to Rachel Rae the products in the Get Clean starter kit "provide you with a combination of really great cleaning power but also they're non-toxic, they are economic, and they are safe for you, your home, and most importantly, the planet."

No matter how hard you try, it is still possible that your beloved pet comes in contact with something dangerous to her health. That is why the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) recommends pet owners keep a "Pet First Aid Kit" that includes:

- Fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 3 percent USP (to induce vomiting)
- Turkey baster, bulb syringe or large medicine syringe (to administer peroxide)
- Saline eye solution
- Artificial tear gel (to lubricate eyes after flushing)
- Mild grease-cutting dish-washing liquid (for bathing an animal after skin contamination)
- Forceps (to remove stingers)
- Muzzle (to protect against fear- or excitement-induced biting)
- Can of your pet's favorite wet food
- Pet carrier

The ASPCA recommends you always consult a veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) for directions on how and when to use any emergency first-aid item. We also suggest that you keep the telephone number of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center--(888) 426-4435--as well as that of your local veterinarian in a prominent location. More information is available on the ASPCA web site, www.aspca.org.

The Pet Poison Helpline handles some 100,000 cases of pet poisoning each year. They have compiled a "Poison Proof Your Home" list. It includes items like:

• Identify your plants. Are they toxic to pets?
• Keep medications safely locked up behind cupboard doors. Do not leave them on counter tops or tables. This includes inhalers, dietary aids, dietary supplements or neutraceuticals!
• Keep home fragrance products beyond their reach.
• Keep rodenticides far away from a pet's access. Keep in mind that rodents can transfer the toxins to accessible locations. Certain rodenticide products do not have treatment antidotes.
• Know what a product's active ingredient is and potential toxicity for pets.
• Do not spray aerosols or use any heavily fragranced products (including plug-in products) around caged birds or other caged pets.
• Never medicate your pets with human products without first speaking to a veterinary professional!
• Keep open dishes of potpourri (liquid or dry form) out of reach.
• Do not use insecticides around your pet without knowing their toxicological profile. Read labels and use products only as recommended.
• Keep garbage behind closed doors.
• Do not allow batteries of any type lying around. Dogs enjoy chewing on them which can result in serious harm if ingested.

(The complete list may be found at www.petpoisonhelpline.com).

Finally, remember there are a number of food products that are toxic to your pet. Products such as chocolate, chewing gum, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, or garlic should never be left somewhere that your pet may be tempted to take a taste test. Often kitchens may contain many toxins to pets such as cigarette and other nicotine products, coffee grounds, alcoholic beverages, moldy dairy products, & chicken bones. Keep these items in closed cabinets, closed refrigerators or in closed trash containers, away from the reach of our curious little friends.

Have the phone number for your veterinarian easily accessible. It's also a good idea to keep the local pet poison control hot-line with your emergency phone numbers.

Our pets can provide years of affection and companionship. Take a few minutes today to make your home environment one that is safer for your pet. In the long run you will benefit in so many ways. by Wendy Re Boyd

Minimise False Alarms to Maximise Protection

What is a false alarm?
A false alarm is an alarm that has been activated accidentally. It is not an alarm that has been caused by a genuine emergency situation such as a break in, attempted break in or fire (if you have smoke alarms fitted).

Why do we need to prevent them?

Recurring false alarms could lead to:

* The emergency services attendance to your home being delayed
* Neighbours ignoring your security alarm or smoke alarm when it activates
* You and your family becoming reluctant to use the security system which leaves your home and family exposed.

How are false alarms caused?

Accidental movement can activate sensors and cause possible false alarms. Possible causes of false alarms include:

* An open window or external door can cause draughts which in turn move curtains and plants.
* Pets not being confined to designated rooms.
* Insects and cobwebs.
* Electrical or electronic items which can change temperature quickly.
* Users who are unfamiliar with your system.

What can you do to help minimize false alarms?

Ensure correct operation by:

* Making sure your alarm system is only operated by people who have been properly instructed.
* Reporting to your security company all accidental damage to the system.

Clear obstructions

* Check that all movement detectors are not obstructed.
* Ensure your motion detectors are free from dust or cobwebs.
* Do not allow sources of heat, moving objects or animals in the range of your motion detectors, when the system is active.

Follow procedure

* Close and lock all doors and windows before setting the alarm.
* Know the specified entry/exit route and keep to it when disarming or arming the system. Do not enter protected areas until the system has been disarmed.
* Check that all keys and keyfobs are readily available and that code numbers are known before entry.

Regular maintenance

* Have your Security company inspect and test your alarm system on an annual basis to ensure it is operating to its optimum performance.

What to do if you experience a false alarm

If your alarm goes off accidentally:

* Don't panic.
* If it is safe and appropriate and no harm exists, disarm or turn off the alarm using your keyfob or system code to cancel the alarm.

If you have cancelled the alarm within 60 seconds of activation, your security company will recognise this as a false alarm and will not contact you. If you have not cancelled the alarm, the Response Centre will contact you, where you will need to provide your password. by Chelsi Woolz

What Are The Dog Allergies Symptoms?

Summer is a time when we all dream about vacations and relaxing somewhere warm but at that time allergies are also kicking in. If pay attention to statistics we will discover that human allergies multiply by several fold during this season. One more concerning fact is that along with human allergies dog allergies also tend to grow during this season. Approximately 20 % of all the dogs suffer from allergies and this number are on the rise. Just like us humans, animals also suffer from allergies due to changes in the environment.

General dog allergies are triggered by flea bites, pollen, tobacco smoke, certain foods, and even other pets also have a strong influence in your pets allergies. Generally dogs between 6 months to 3 years are prone to these diseases, these symptoms do appear to be seasonal at first, but over time they become chronic. Just like in humans, dog allergies are an inherited trait & lifelong disease.

If your dog is expecting puppies and her current health status has been affected by allergies, it is also possible for the puppies to inherit such condition. According to a study, we can also determine that allergies can be breed specific, and some breeds are more prone to allergy compared to others. Boxers Terriers & Shih-Tzu's are more prone to allergies compared to others. General allergy observed is skin disease. Itching & scratching in dogs is nothing short of a nightmare for the pet owners. Just imagine due to this situation pet owners suffer a lot then how much the dog that is undergoing real suffering will be!

We, as human beings can talk to doctors, take medicines and such but your pet is in a very tough situation as him/her can only feel the itch/pain and then scratch, bite & lick, actions that can lead to a more aggravated situation if not taken seriously. If your dog is itching & scratching continuously then it is primarily important to find out the cause of the itch. This can be quite difficult. During this period dog's skin becomes very itchy, irritated & red in color. Scientific name for this skin disease is atomic dermatitis & it can be widespread over the dog's body, or may be just limited to some portion of the body; generally belly, face, rump, groin etc.

This intense chewing & scratching culminates into heavy hair loss & inflamed areas of the skin which generally leads to secondary infections. Testing will definitely let you know which allergen have caused to suffer your dear dog. After going through dog's clinical history & environmental surroundings, your vet doc may tell you to go through the dog's blood test, to identify your pet's allergy. Initially your vet will take a sample blood from your dog & will send it for laboratory testing.

Serum is tested for allergies pertaining to grass, weed specific to the geographic areas as well as to other important allergens such as dust mite, mold, cat dander, food & insects. Generally, the vet can treat your dog allergy through immunotherapy. Depending upon the laboratory findings and blood test your vet can provide you with an immunotherapy treatment kit which is specific to your dog's individual allergies. Immunotherapy is really an effective treatment which it helps to build your dog's immunity. by Robert

Staying in bed all day long

disease is not only for the days when you can not stop vomiting. There is great need for mental health days to be, too. Choose to take time off to you and stay in bed all day .

Tell everyone involved. Inform your family, friends, and no one can expect anything from you in a period of 24 hours at random to be off limits for the whole day. Give notice in advance around the world, and achieve all their commitments before the glorious day .

obtain supplies. Make sure you have everything you need. Stock your fridge with drinks, snacks and meals for a day. Get all the animals and food that you may need during this time, too. When you stay in bed all day that leaves little room to run to the store .

entertained. Along with the provisions, stock your room with books, magazines, movies and any other game you want to play in bed. You can even upload your DVD player the night before and place the remote control next to his bed in the morning that does not even have to get out of bed to start watching your favorite movie .

rental room. Not all houses are in favor of rest. Pets, children in fourth and can make it difficult to stay in bed all day. If so, rent a room. Hotels and inns will be happy to assist you with your goal. This will ensure peace and tranquility, as well as room service.
This article is written by Article Marketing. by Joe Keny

How To Teach A Parrot To Talk

Of all the different species of animals that are commonly kept as pets, parrots are the only species that are self-centered creatures who exhibit behaviors that allow them to get whatever they want, whenever they want it!

This is great information for a parrot owner to know as this will help you to teach your parrot to talk even better. Since most parrots already have a few words that they know and repeat, some owners want to either increase their parrot's vocabulary, or they want to teach their parrot to talk back to them by responding verbally to a question or statement. In order to this, you should first teach your parrot to imitate the desired response or answer first.

Remember to keep your parrot engaged in a conversation that satisfies his need for socialization. As soon as you hear him speak something, give your parrot a lot of praise and then you can repeat the word back to your parrot.

In the beginning try to talk to your bird back and forth about things that are important to him, like his favorite food, toy or treat.

Don't forget to mention the colors of his toys as well! When you are confident that your parrot has mastered the required response, you can then start by asking the question.

Try to speak as clearly as possible so that your parrot can pick up on the sounds quickly and easily.

As soon as your parrot understands the question perfectly and can repeat it back to you, it is then time to prompt your parrot to speak the desired response. Be sure to reward your parrot when he says the proper answer by giving him a nice treat whenever he attempts to say the correct response.

Remember to get all excited, repeating the word and going over to your parrot's cage to interact. Give your parrot a treat as soon as he exhibits a behavior that you want him to say or do.

Remember that parrots will always continue to exhibit a behavior for which it receives a reward, so make sure that you do not inadvertently reward him for making unpleasant noises.

Follow this training process until your parrot consistently responds with the correct answer every time the question is asked, but do keep in mind, that teaching your parrot to talk back to you in response to a question, is sometimes a little bit harder to learn and it might take him a while to get it just right.

Finally, make sure that the food or treat that you reward your parrot with is a very special and highly desired treat that is not readily available to him inside regular food dish. Choose something that can be consumed quickly so that you can move on to further training. by Arthur M

The Benefits Of A Dog

Dogs are considered man's best friend. But did you know that having a dog gives you several heath benefits?

In studies done by medical professionals, dog owners benefit from their pet's presence in several ways:

1) Improved cardiovascular health - Dog owners have been proven to have blood pressure and cholesterol lower than ordinary people. These factors reduce the chance for cardiovascular diseases. Stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. A study from the New York State University found that these benefits continue even without the pet available. The study tested a group of stockbrokers with hypertension. They concluded that just being a pet-owner can lower blood pressure.

Dog owners also have blood cholesterol levels lower than normal. Five thousand four hundred people were tested by the Baker Medical Research Institute of Australia and with the results showing pet owners having not just lower blood pressure but also lower levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol compared to people who didn't own any pets.

2) Faster recovery time and higher survival rates - Hospital studies have found that seniors and recently operated on patients responded better to treatment and got better quickly while they were in contact with dogs and other therapy animals. Just petting a dog can be relaxing and therapeutic for recovering patients.

Also, dog owners have a greater chance to survive after suffering from a serious illness. Several studies have discovered that pet owners who suffered from a heart attack were more likely to be alive a year after they were discharged from the hospital than those who did not own pets. Another New York study found that pet's affected their survival rate more even more than the presence or company of family members or friends.

3) Fewer visits to the doctor - Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA have found that owning a pet corresponds to overall improved health and less need for hospital visits. A Medicare study of its elderly patients also discovered that those who own dogs visit the doctor less than those who don't have a pet.

4) Mental Wellness - Patients who have dogs have also been known to have better emotional health than their counterparts. They offer unconditional love and affection; their presence alone helps reduce loneliness for sick people who have otherwise been isolated. Several studies of people with major illnesses have shown that the stress of fighting the disease is significantly reduced when they had a dog as company.

As you can see, having a dog is a great investment, for the joy that you get from owning one and the health benefits that you can receive. So go out and get a dog! animals and pets. by John Samson