This old world of ours is full of uncertainties these days is it not? Yes, I am sure that you agree! Disasters abound all over the world. Some of them are natures way of easing stress and some of them are man made. No matter what, an emergency is an emergency and that is a fact. Emergencies and disasters can strike at anytime and these events do not give much warning. Emergencies can cause you and your family to have to hunker down in the home and let the emergency "blow over" Or the event can cause you and your family to have to evacuate your home and quite possibly your neighborhood. This is not a pleasant thought is it? Do you know how you would react if life's most basic of services such as electricity, water, gas and phones were all out of service and non-functional? How would you react if you were "cut off" off from the "rest of the world?" In the event of an emergency/disaster the fact of the matter is that emergency relief will get to you!............eventually! You need to understand that they cannot get to everyone at once. You can deal with and be prepared for any emergency or disaster by preparing in advance of these situations by obtaining the necessary supplies and equipment and creating an emergency action plan that you and your family can stick to. being prepared for a crisis and having an emergency preparedness plan will help keep you protected and is a matter personal responsibility for you and your families safety!
One of the first things one should do is to contact entities such as the American Red Cross and any other offices that deal with emergencies and disasters in your area to get educated as to the type of natural and/or man made disasters that can possibly occur in your area of the country. Ask for any and all printed material that you can obtain to educate yourself. Educate yourself as to what if any warning systems are in place in your town and what is it that you need to do when those warning signal go off? What are you supposed to do with your family pets if you have any? Where are they supposed to go if anywhere? There is a distinct possibility that animals may not be allowed in emergency shelters for the health concerns of others! What if there are elderly in your household? How are you going to care for and transport them if an emergency occurs? Do you have ample medicines and supplies for them? Again call the school district in your area to find out what emergency preparedness plan of action they have. Find out if your workplace has an Emergency Action Plan in place. All of these things will help to make you more prepared and capable of timely reaction in the event of a crisis. by Richard Blaine
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